2023 Virgin Islands Organic Waste Audit

The Problem

The US Virgin Islands is in the middle of a waste management crisis, landfills are filled to capacity and we need to find solutions that minimize further accumulation. A recent audit conducted by the CGTC in 2019 concluded that organic waste sources are the single largest category in the territory and currently there are no widespread programs to divert and recycle these materials. In addition to filling landfill space, decomposition of organics is a primary contributor of greenhouse gasses globally.

The Solution

The first step in solving this problem is to estimate the amount of organic waste in the islands and its primary sources. With this information, we can begin to identify and implement recycling solutions that can keep these materials out of the landfill and create a cleaner environment.

The Caribbean Green Technology Center (CGTC) received a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of its Solid Waste Management Grants program to conduct an audit of organic waste and provide related training and technical assistance to the community. The goal is to use the information gathered in this study to support future work in reducing the amount of organic waste that is entering our landfills.

Over the coming months we will be working with restaurants, resorts, farms and community members to measure and better understand their waste streams, in particular food waste.

What We Plan to Achieve:

  • Conduct an audit of local businesses and residents to determine the quantity and types of organic wastes being produced.

  • Evaluate the potential of recycling these materials into valuable resources such as compost and renewable energy.

  • Prepare a report of results which includes suggested methods to divert and generate value from organic waste.

  • Educate community members about the need and benefits of more sustainable waste practices as well as practical ways they can reduce their impact on the waste problem.

How You Can Get Involved:

  • Spread the word about the project to generate more interest

  • Conduct a waste audit at home by measuring your food waste and reporting it in a survey

  • Help to conduct the audit of your favorite local restaurants

  • Take part in a composting workshop

Signup for more information or contact us at cgtc@uvi.edu

Check out our flyers from the 1st waste audit!

This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

*Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service.