Guides & Resources
Trash To Treasure Guide
Coming soon! CGTC’s guide to help you find local initiatives that reduce, reuse and recycle in the USVI.
Powering Through a Blackout Guide
Plastic Debris Impacts
Some reasons you should recycle in the USVI
Bin Sites Mapped!
Find the locations of public bin sites around the Territory. Includes GPS points, images, notes and analysis.
Back to the Basics: Renewable Energy 101
This webinar is part of the October 2020 Energy Month series
Renewable Energy Systems: From Inquiry to Reality
This webinar is part of the October 2020 Energy Month series. This webinar includes special guest Brian Walden from ProSolar Systems.
Powering Through a Blackout Webinar
This webinar is part of the October 2020 Energy Month series.
Recycling & the Full story of our Everyday products
The CGTC was invited to guest lecture at UVI for an Environmental Science course taught by Professor Renata Platenberg.