U.S. Virgin Islands 2019 Residential Waste Characterization

Published: May 12, 2021

Author(s): Gregory Guannel, Ariel Stolz, Brennan Madden


We received much appreciated feedback and comments from the following staff members of VI Waste Management Authority (VIWMA), the VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) and EPA: Roger E. Merritt, Jr. (VIWMA), Alex Bruney (VIWMA), Olivia Robles (VIWMA), Cordell Jacobs (VIWMA) Shena Esannason (VIWMA), Clanicia Pelle (DPNR), Leslie Leonard (DPNR), Austin Callwood (DPNR), Zeno Bain (EPA), Rachel Chaput (EPA), Jim Casey (EPA) and Kimiko Link (EPA). We would like to give a special thanks to those who weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and helped facilitate the waste characterization. The St. Thomas group organizer Greg Guannel, and his team: Travis Guthrie, Nalani Figueroa, Ismayel N Marlin, Le'Quan Smith, Xuxa Garroden, Joash Liburd and Tennika Lawrence. The St. John and St. Croix characterization was handled by EPA’s contractor, Weston Solutions.


The U.S. Virgin Islands residential waste characterization was conducted over a 5-day period to determine the percentage and type of waste streams present for each of the three islands. The goal of this study is to identify which waste streams could potentially be diverted from disposal facilities through either a recycling or composting program. This study is intended to provide context for developing landfill diversion programs which have the highest impact and take into account the scale of the specified waste stream for the US Virgin Islands.

Citation: G. Guannel, A. Stolz, B. Madden (2021), US Virgin Islands 2019 Residential Waste Characterization, University of the Virgin Islands Caribbean Green Technology Center and Resource Recycling Systems, [online].

Download Report: https://cgtc-usvi.com/s/USVI-Waste-Characterization-2019.pdf

Keywords: waste characterization, sustainable materials management